The cardboard sleeve in which my year 12 mathematics textbook lives, not sure if the teacher knows it's there, no cardboard cover goes unscathed not while there's a pen in my hand and a song in my heart.... the hills are aliiivve with the sound of muuus
(Blue biro on a 75mm x 125mm post-it note) Verecide (or Vericide) is a word meaning the "killing of reality" by choosing to permanently live in a virtual one.
This shambling creature haunts the fetid marshlands and is a protector of the birds and beasts who reside there. He's ancient, the last of his kind and a gentle soul who would much rather hide under the sticky mud than come face to face with a stranger.
Creating a doodle mural on wall with craft paint and brush. For more details, visit my blog here
Gentleman Cat was modelled on a victorian oil painting with a special family cat as the star of the show! Part of a pair for a special Christmas present.
Can you feel the heat? We're dancing at the party on Concrete Street! We never said that this party'd ever come to an end - the sun is setting but no fretting we can do it again!
I've been so impressed with the ball point pen art that I have seen on this site, that I decided to give it a try. This is a Betta fish (Siamese fighting fish) done in red, blue, and purple ball point pens. Obviously, I have much to learn....but it was great fun and I have ordered some more colors since I plan on experimenting more. I've enclosed a photo of the work in progress and the various reference photos I used. The colors are more true to the final scan than in the flash photo of my drawing table.
Finished this up. Not particularly a fan of Barcelona, but greatness is where it is. It’s funny, no matter how dark I make shadows and shading, I always feel I could have gone darker.
Part of a series of drawings following characters on a journey through strange and chaotic zones of a gigantic metropolis. I really enjoyed using the Sakura brush pen for this one.