Heya, I like drawing :D
I specialize in digital art, drawing, pen and ink, people, sketching, traditional art, watercolor.
Second drawing in my Doodle Addicts sketchbook. I have other marker colors but I could probably get by with just these.
A mix of watercolor and India ink held together with some fun doodle motifs.
Acrylic on Moleskine sketchbook paper - hardback book
Faber-Castell Pitt Brush pen + watercolor
Lighthouses :)
Flipping through the sketchbook for inspiration.
A few of my sketchbooks, combing through some older concepts.
Watercolor of a kitty in a garden.
Drawn with fountainpen
This piece is from my online comic @ doodletowncomic.com and was inspired by Free Comic Book Day in Philly!
Don't cry over spilled coffee... Doodle over it! ;)
When you imagine cute-faces on objects & just need to doodle them!
Just a little White-Out & Sharpie brought this yogurt to life!
Hooray~ Here's my Sketchbook Bus for the 'Doodle Caravan, Drawing Challenge'. We're stocked with art supplies, good music, lots of coffee and creative friends! Let's enjoy this artistic adventure together! :)
Patch & I Bought Our First French Press... Coffee Game is Strong! ;)
A piece that incorporates some of my favorite things... Coffee, Cats, Pups & Puns!