Moomins my moomins! 120 layers of Finnish and Japanese cuties (It's funny, but I took some versions of the characters from the books, and others from the cartoon adaptations. And the Mymble's palette was invented by me hehe). It's been a long time, but I don't regret anything: D
With the new Beetlejuice sequel coming out I decided to dig for some more of my old fanart of the cartoon. Made these designs of what Otho and the Maitlands could look like if they actually were represented in the animated universe!
Don Cutter (Full name Cookie Cutter) relishes in making their last name self evident. [This was done as a trade for a friend!!!! At present, she has no socials for me to link to, but I will update this if that ever changes!!!! (P.S. the name is *unofficial* but I am campaigning hard for her to canonize it!!!!)] P.P.S. this is the first image I am uploading of my (admittedly rather limited) backlog/body of work, so expect more updates in the near future [followed by a WHOLE lot of nothing for a while (I work SLOW ;-;)]!!!!